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Kelly Crowe

How to Live Like You're On Vacation

Updated: Mar 19, 2023

I once asked people closest to me, "If I was to write a book, what is a title that comes to mind?" My cousin suggested, "How to Live Like You're on Vacation". I've decided to claim this as a valuable skill and share some secrets.

This particular skill leaves some people baffled, and creates a perception that I live a cushy life and all I do is "play". I've been frustrated by people making comments like, "I didn't know you worked", "I thought you got money from your ex-husband", "You're always on vacation". I sometimes get the urge to defend myself, or even worse, start to feel guilty for enjoying my life so much. Sounds downright stupid written on paper.

The truth is, I've had a job continuously since I was 16 and I've been with the same company for more than 30 years. Yes, I was hired at age 12. I've been a dedicated, dependable, hard-working, full-time+ employee earning my way my whole life. Apparently, since I share my adventures, it looks like I'm always on vacation! I've made a decision to be proud of this achievement.

When I was a kid, I would spend hours daydreaming about Disneyland, the Grand Canyon Carlsbad Caverns and snorkeling with colorful ocean fish. I saw these places in my view master slides and they were far out of reach. Today, I am happy to share I've experienced all of these places and so much more, and each experience feeds my soul.

My top 20 tips for living like you're on vacation:

1. Earn extra vacation with long tenure at the same company or negotiate more time.

2. Drive a few hours to the ocean and back in one day just to walk and watch the sunset.

3. Don't wait for someone to travel with you; be your best companion!

4. Wake up early to enjoy more hours in your day - start with a walk in nature before work.

5. Work at a job that requires some travel.

6. Remove "I can't" from your vocabulary as much as possible.

7. Spontaneously take trips (big or small) with little or no planning.

8. If you have a dream destination, book the trip! Arrange to make payments if you need to.

10. If you travel somewhere for work, see the sights in the evening and/or stay extra days.

11. Fly for a day trip to be present at a special wedding, drive a race car, play at an amusement park, see a show, visit a loved one..... weekend adventures are energizing!

12. Don't take life for granted. There may not be "later".

13. Put a little extra money in a separate "travel" savings account through auto-deposit.

14. If you have a chance to do something that scares you, do it.

Parasailing, Zip Lining, Hiking through the Andes, traveling to far-away places alone...

14. Go out with friends or explore your city after work. There's 5 hours between 5 and 10pm!

15. Express joy! Skip, dance, sing and whistle every day just because you're alive.

16. Listen to music instead of watching TV - it adds to a "vacation" peace of mind.

17. Be spontaneous!

18. Be curious about other cultures and immerse yourself in people and places.

20. "Walk as if your feet are kissing the earth"

I'm going to keep living like I'm on vacation. When I'm taking my last breaths, I know, with no uncertainty, that I won't be wishing I spent more time at the office or missed vacation time. I won't regret seeing the world, spending time with loved ones, skipping through parking lots or whistling too much.

What do you dream of doing? Where would you like to go? What's stopping you?


"With the past as a brilliant teacher

and the future as a beckoning light

She rode the buoyant waves of now-

Reveling in the cool, wet sparkle of being."

Joanna Fuchs

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